Dr Remi's Research

My major research theme can be broken down into four sub-themes namely:


Academic Work


Below are selected pieces of Dr Remi's research,
articles and peer review articles in the past 5 years


The joint influence of CEO succession types and CEO-TMT
faultline on firm’s strategic change



The physical environment of office work: Future open-plan offices

Ayoko, Oluremi B. and Ashkanasy, Neal, M. (Eds)



5 leadership trends that will be more important than ever in 2021

Within: Momentum- The Business School Magazine .
Ayoko, Oluremi B.



Organizational Behaviour and the Physical Environment

Ayoko, Oluremi B. and Ashkanasy, Neal, M. (Eds). 



The workplace of the future: green, healthy and productive

Within: Momentum- The Business School Magazine .
Ayoko, Oluremi B.



Teamwork, Leadership and Gender in Organizations

Within: Journal of Management & Organization , Volume 26 , Issue 5 , September 2020 , (pp. 653 - 656)

Ayoko, Oluremi B.


Global Perspectives and Leadership


Within: Journal of Management & Organization , Volume 26 , Issue 4 , July 2020 , (pp. 391 - 394)

Ayoko, Oluremi B.


Relationships at work – why do they matter so much?

Within: Journal of Management & Organization, Volume 26,
Issue 2 March 2020 , (pp. 133 - 134)

McKeown, Tui and Ayoko, Oluremi B.



Reframing social processes of leadership theory using positive organisational behaviour

Within: Journal of Management & Organization, Volume 26,
Issue 2, January 2019 , (pp. 391 - 394)



Employees’ self-determined motivation, transformational leadership and work engagement

Within: Journal of Management & Organization , January 2019 , (pp. 01 - 21)

Chua, Jeremy and Ayoko, Oluremi B.



Global research network- Next-generation workspaces

Ayoko, Oluremi B.



A lifespan perspective on leadership


Within: Aging Workers and the Employee-Employer Relationship. (pp 87-104) 
AUTHORS- Zacher, Hannes, Clark, Michael, Anderson, Ellen C. and Ayoko, Oluremi B.


Workplace conflict and willingness to cooperate: the importance of
apology and forgiveness


Within: International Journal of Conflict Management 
AUTHOR- Ayoko, Oluremi Bolanle


Handbook of Conflict Management Research


Within: Handbook of Conflict Management Research
AUTHORS- Ayoko, Oluremi B. and Muchiri, Michael


Organizational crisis: emotions and contradictions in managing
internal stakeholders


Within: International Journal of Conflict Management
AUTHORS- Oluremi Bolanle Ayoko, Andrew A. Ang,
Ken Parry


Conflict and trust: the mediating effects of emotional arousal and
self‐conscious emotions


Within: International Journal of Conflict Management
AUTHORS- Mingkai J. Chen, Oluremi B. Ayoko


The Importance of Transformational Leadership Behaviours in Team Mental Model Similarity, Team Efficacy and Intra-Team Conflict


Within: Group & Organisation Management
AUTHORS- Oluremi B. Ayoko, Eunice L. Chua


Transformational leadership and innovation in an R&D organization experiencing major change


Within: Journal of Organizational Change Management
AUTHORS- Neil Paulsen, Victor J. Callan, Oluremi Ayoko, Diana Saunders


Understanding the physical environment of work and employee behaviour: an affective events perspective


Within: Journal of Organizational Behaviour
AUTHORS- Neal M. Ashkanasy, Oluremi B. Ayoko, Karen A. Jehn


Linking demographic diversity to organizational outcomes: the moderating role of transformational leadership


Within: Leadership & Organization Development Journal 
AUTHORS- Michael K. Muchiri, Oluremi B. Ayoko


Leaders' transformational, conflict, and emotion management behaviors in culturally diverse workgroups


Within: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion:
An International Journal

AUTHOR- Oluremi B. Ayoko


Online work: Managing conflict and emotions for performance in virtual teams


Within: European Management Journal
AUTHORS- Oluremi B.Ayokoa, Alison M.Konradb, Maree V.Boylec